6th June 2011 |
- New WinMaze version 1.94 is available.
- Networking code rewritten partially, firewall setup is no longer required
- Fixed lags could occur when firing
- Download!
4th June 2011 |
- New WinMaze version 1.92 is available.
- Fixed configuration not saved in correct place
- Fixed wrong default controls after initial start
- Download!
3rd June 2011 |
- New WinMaze version 1.91 is available.
- Download!
1st June 2011 |
- New WinMaze version 1.90 is available.
- Recompiled everything with nowadays development tools
- A stable server is now available at server.winmaze.de:7790 to be able for everyone to play multiplayer games again
- The configuration is now stored in the application data folder of the user currently logged into Windows
- Removed "fisheye" effect that shouldn't have made it into a release
- Fixed an 8 year old performance issue
- Some bugfixes and improvements
- Download!
29th June 2006 |
- New WinMaze version 1.82 is available.
- First version of a simple AI included
- Sound is working again
- Download!
15th October 2005 |
- New WinMaze version 1.80 is available.
- Fixed bug that caused WinMaze to crash with OpenGL 2.0.0
or later
- Added a first version of the WinMaze map editor
- Server and WinMaze Map Editor are included in the start
- Download!
16th February 2005 |
- Website redesign
- New WinMaze version 1.79 is available.
- Added pixel shaders to improve visual quality of players
- Render-state system completely rewritten
- Reduced polygon count for floors and walls
- Lighting model rewritten
- Download!
11th February 2005 |
- The manual has been updated to match WinMaze 1.78
3rd February 2005 |
- New WinMaze version 1.78 is available.
- Fixed bug that caused WinMaze to be slow while a shot is
flying on computers with a high rendering frame rate
- Download!
20th November 2004 |
- New WinMaze version 1.76 is available.
- The required sign "#" is automatically added for
channel names
- Fixed bug that caused other players not to be able to be
- Removed skybox border that was visible on Radeon cards
- Download!
12th November 2003 |
- New WinMaze version 1.75 is available. It fixes the controller
configure bug and two other issues:
- The main window can now be dragged and minimized
- Alt+Return toggles fullscreen mode
- Fixed bug that caused controls not to be configurable
- Download!
1st November 2003 |
- New WinMaze version 1.74 is available. Many new features have
been implemented:
- The item invisibility is now causing the player to be still
slightly visible for better gameplay
- Added vertex and pixel shaders to improve graphics
- Added bump mapping support for the floor texture
- Some other graphics improvements
- Speed increase, good for slow computers
- Fixed bug that caused WinMaze not to insert the correct
"Money to win" value in the create single player
game dialog
- WinMaze is now distributed in one package only
- Added descriptions -/+/0 to mouse sensitivity sliders in
the controller configuration to make clearer that negative
values are possible as well
- Added a glowing effect if a shot hits a wall
- Fixed bug that caused WinMaze to crash after a multiplayer
- Improved the smoothing of player movements A LOT, no more
flickering artifacts or other things, just perfect smooth
- Download!
11th June 2003 |
- New WinMaze version 1.63 is available. Recent changes:
- Fixed bug that caused WinMaze not to find the server list
on slow internet connections
- Added an away button into the chat window to toggle your
away status
- Increased the visual player explosion effect for detail
levels 9 and 10
- Download!
2nd June 2003 |
- WinMaze 1.60 is now available. New features since version 1.50:
- Items are stored now by the host of a game. You can join
and leave whenever you want without loosing you items and
- Different face images representing the current health of
the player have been included.
- WinMaze got an auto-update feature that allows WinMaze to
detect and download updates in small packages automatically
without the need to access the WinMaze website.
- A news ticker in the multiplayer chat window that keeps
you up-to-date with the newest informations about WinMaze.
- New sounds have been added for ingame-chat, for collecting
health kits and for enabling / disabling items.
- Tooltips for the items while creating a game have been added,
which show a description for the specified item, so you don't
need to look into the manual.
- Buttons to access the manual and the history files directly.
- Automatic crash detection and bug report features.
- Temporary files and debug files are no longer stored on
drive C:\, they're stored into the WinMaze installation directory.
- It's possible to reverse the mouse axes now.
- Download!
7th May 2003 |
- The new version WinMaze 1.50 is now online! The version has
many new features, such as lens flares, free look, health kits
and much more! Download!
12th April 2003 |
- I've bought a third computer which makes testing for multiplayer
much easier. I've uploaded a new version which fixes many network
issues. You can download it here!
12th February 2003 |
- After I've paused some while, today I've uploaded a new version
1.18b. The new version fixes many UDP problems that appeared in
multiplayer games that were laggy. Another improvement is the
feature to switch between WinMaze and Tetron easily. (requires
Tetron 4.14 or higher)
27th January 2003 |
- The bug that causes the game to crash after 3D engine initialization
is still making problems on some machines. I'm trying to figure
the problem out now every day sveral hours without success. If
you want to help: After the program crashed, please send me the
three debug files that exist on your c:\ drive WM_Gdebug.txt,
WM_NwDebug.txt and GLEngine_Debug.txt. Many thanks in advance.
Of course, the same applies for all other bugs that may occour.
21th January 2003 |
- New screenshots of a WinMaze session together with phoenix and
gina have been added
18th January 2003 |
- A WinMaze beta version has been made available for download
- Website changes
16th January 2003 |
17th September 2002 |
- Added screen shots section
- Link list updated